Course is free of grammatical and spelling errors. Review These Explanations The instructor is considered the expert in the classroom, and course materials…
Instructions are provided and well written. Review These Explanations A learner’s academic engagement and success depend on many things. In an online course…
Large blocks of information are divided into manageable sections with ample white space around and between the blocks. Review These Explanations Reducing content…
A logical, consistent, and uncluttered layout is established. The course is easy to navigate (consistent color scheme and icon layout, related content organized together, self-evident…
Any technology tools meet accessibility standards. Review These Explanations In the United States, two federal laws govern program and course access for all…
Course includes links to privacy policies for technology tools. Review These Explanations A privacy policies is a statement or legal document that details…
Frequently used technology tools are easily accessed. Any tools not being utilized are removed from the course menu. Review These Explanations Findability refers…
Technical skills required for participation in course learning activities scaffold in a timely manner (orientation, practice, and application – where appropriate). Review These Explanations …
Requisite skills for using technology tools (websites, software, and hardware) are clearly stated and supported with resources. Review These Explanations Any hardware, software,…