What’s new?!

What’s new?!

RSI Dashboard illustration

The OSCQR rubric and supporting documentation have been updated to specifically identify standards that support RSI. This updated version is referred to as OSCQR 4.0.

  1. Specific OSCQR standards target online course design elements to directly address and support RSI.
    • OSCQR standards 2, 3, 29, 38, 39, 41, 43,  specifically address RSI in the standard itself.
  2. Specific OSCQR standards have been identified as standards that can support RSI compliance in some way.
    • OSCQR Standards 1, 6, 9, 10, 19, 30, 31, 40, 44-47, are RSI-related.

These RSI OSCQR standards have been enhanced to include:

  • An RSI section on each respective OSCQR standard webpage to clearly explain how the standard addresses RSI
  • An updated description of the standard and the examples augmented with additional detail and information to support an understanding and ideas for how to ensure that the online course meets the standard and RSI requirements.

OSCQR standards that support RSI in any way are identified:

  • On the OSCQR website for each respective standard by the RSI dashboard icon
  • On the .pdf and interactive rubrics by mini rsi dashboard

Informational Webinar Recordings:
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