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COIL+OSCQR standards have been developed to support effective, high-quality international virtual learning experiences.

The SUNY Collaborative Online International Learning Center (COIL) has received a SUNY Innovative Instructional Technology Grant (IITG). This grant has been used to enhance the SUNY Online Course Quality Rubric (OSCQR) with COIL-specific best practices, and to develop COIL+OSCQR standards for the COIL community to use that aligns OSCQR and COIL standards and practices for online international virtual teaching and learning experiences.
Expertly designed by a team of instructional designers and researchers, the COIL+OSCQR standards are intended to guide the design, review, and refresh of COIL course projects. The COIL+OSCQR standards and process provide a systematic and consistent approach to accommodate the complexity of Virtual Exchange methodologies, varying degrees of commitment, and differing levels of assessment. The COIL+OSCQR standards are designed to help COIL coordinators and practitioners implement international collaborations that are learner-centered and informed by research.
Collaborators on this project include instructional designers,COIL coordinators from:
- Dr. Adele Merlino, SUNY Maritime College
- Dr. Nicole Simon, Nassau Community College
- José Luis Jiménez, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Venezuela.
- Ed Beck, SUNY Oneonta
with support from the SUNY COIL Center, Hope Windle, and SUNY Online, Alejandra M. Pickett and assistance from Yunkai Xu, SUNY Morrisville, .pdf accessibility expert volunteer.
For more information:
- The SUNY Collaborative Online International Learning Center (COIL)
- What is COIL?
- How OSCQR Supports COIL
- COIL+OSCQR Standards
The COIL+OSCQR standards and process are made available as a component of the OSCQR Rubric under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC By 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit The OSCQR Rubric, Dashboard, and Process were originally developed by the State University of New York (SUNY), through SUNY Online, Online Teaching. SUNY Online and its logo are registered trademarks of the State University of New York.
*The COIL Logo was designed by and is used with the permission.