

Professional Development Paths and OSCQR Certifications

OSCQR webinars are free for anyone to attend regardless of affiliation with SUNY, but registration is required. For specific session objectives and additional registration information, please visit the  OSCQR Spring 2025 webinar series registration website.

All webinar participants will earn digital badges upon completion of the webinar. SUNY participants can earn certification to confirm their expertise at no additional cost. Certification is also available for any non-SUNY participants for a modest fee to cover the cost of the review of evidence.

OSCQR Webinars:

Experience Certification:
  • SUNY Online OSCQR Self-Assessment Refresh –  Certifies that the holder has been trained and has completed an online course review and refresh on their own online course. This certification requires verification of the Introduction to OSCQR workshop completion, and evidence of having completed the full online course quality review and refresh process with the OSCQR self-assessment rubric.
  • SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Reviewer Certifies that that holder is trained and has sufficient experience to review online courses. This certification requires verification of the Introduction to OSCQR, or Reviewer workshop completion, and evidence of completing the full OSCQR “review and refresh” process on at least 1 online course. (This can be using the OSCQR self-assessment on your own online course, or the review and refresh of someone else’s online course.)
  • SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Trainer – Certifies that the holder is trained and has sufficient experience to train others in the use of OSCQR tools and resources to conduct online course reviews/self-assessments and refreshes. This certification requires verification of  the Introduction to OSCQR, or Reviewer workshop completion, and evidence of experience completing the full OSCQR “review and refresh” process on at least 5 fully online courses (not including a self-assessment). 
  • SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Implementation – TBD. Certifies that that holder is trained and has developed a plan for a larger-scale online course quality initiative using the OSCQR Implementation Plan template. This certification requires verification of Designing an OSCQR Implementation Plan workshop completion, and evidence of completing the development of a larger-scale online course quality initiative implementation plan.

OSCQR reviewer/trainer Certification is recommended for anyone interested in joining the SUNY Online Teaching Course Reviewer Network.

View the OSCQR Collection of certifications/badges.