

Community Resources

Join the OSCQR usergroup. – NEW!

  • How To infographic for the 4.0 OSCQR Rubric.
    • Tip: 
      1. Are you using Chrome? Chrome is best.
      2. Be sure to COPY the rubric file to your own Google Drive before doing anything else.
  • How To infographic for the 4.0 OSCQR Dashboard.
    • Tips: 
      1. Are you using Chrome? Chrome is best.
      2. Be sure to COPY the dashboard file to your own Google Drive before doing anything else.
      3. It may take several moments (generally no more than one minute) for the OSCQR pull down menu to appear in your google toolbar menu. It may look like nothing is happening, but a script is running. Please be patient.
      4. Once the OSCQR menu item appears, pull down the menu and select “Configure the Dashboard.”
      5. Because your Google Drive does not recognize the OSCQR Dashboard as being from a trusted source, you will need to confirm, select, accept, and bypass a number of Security Alerts as part of the configuration process. The OSCQR Dashboard is from a trusted source, so you can confirm, select, accept, and bypass ALL Security Alerts.
      6. You will receive an email Security Alert from Google informing you that  OS3 – Dashboard – v4.0.0 – SEED was granted access to your linked Google Account.

Video Help: The OSCQR Rubric and Dashboard video help tutorials.

If you still need help setting up your OSCQR 4.0 Rubric or Dashboard please contact SUNY Online Help for assistance.


HyFlex Course Quality Review Rubric – May 2022

Simplified OSCQR – condensed checklist by SUNY Oneonta 2020 (Ed Beck)

OSCQR video – By David Wolfe from Schenectady County Community College. – 2021

SUNY OER Services Resource – 2020

(May work best in Chrome.)

In the Classroom (ITC) Podcast with Stan Skrabut, Director for Technology Enhanced Instruction, Jamestown Community College:

Syllabus Creation Guide –  an online course creation syllabus guide and template linked to relevant OSCQR online course quality standards by Andrew Petagna, student intern, University at Albany.

OSCQR in use

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SUNY Online does not support, recommend, or endorse community-generated resources. It is our intention to provide links to these resources for informational purposes and as a courtesy. By selecting links to external web sites, you leave the SUNY Online website and are subject to the accessibility, privacy, and security policies of the owners/sponsors of the external site. Furthermore, SUNY Online does not control or guarantee the currency, accuracy, relevance, accessibility, or completeness of information found on linked, external web sites. We urge users to consult with a qualified online instructional designers and your own campus-based policies and procedures prior to using, adopting, adapting, or following any online teaching, online course design, or online instructional design suggestions.