Change Log

Change Log

Spanish version of the OSCQR .pdf is made available from the Get OSCQR page.

Updated the Get OSCQR page and added the OSCQR-Informed Tools and Resources page –  May 29, 2024.

OSCQR 4.1 (Spring 2024)

Updated the Get OSCQR links – to include the Spanish and English versions of the COIL+OSCQR rubrics. The only difference from 4.0 is that they include the 4 COIL+OSCQR standards.

SUNY COIL pages were published in English and Spanish including 4 COIL+OSCQR standards – May 20. 2024.

SUNY COIL page structure was drafted including Spanish translation placeholder pages, and draft COIL+OSCQR standards were added – April 17, 2024.

Updated the Get OSCQR links – to generate the new 4.0 online interactive rubric and dashboard – January 10, 2022. Removed and updated these links:

Updated Get OSCQR link – to download the new 4.0 self-assessment rubric – October 12, 2021.

OSCQR 4.0 (Fall 2021)

  1. Updated the wording of selected OSCQR standards to specifically address the requirements for Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI).
    • Standard 2: An orientation or overview is provided for the course overall, as well as in each module. Learners know how to navigate and what tasks are due was changed to:  Course provides an overall orientation or overview, as well as module-level overviews to make course content, activities, assignments, due dates, interactions, and assessments, predictable and easy to navigate/find.
    • Standard 3: Course includes a Course Information area that deconstructs the syllabus for learners in a clear and navigable way was changed to: Course includes a course information area and syllabus that make course expectations clear and findable.
    • Standard 29: Course offers access to a variety of engaging resources that facilitate communication and collaboration, deliver content, and support learning and engagement  was changed to: Course offers access to a variety of engaging resources to present content, support learning and collaboration, and facilitate regular and substantive interaction with the instructor.
    • Standard 38: Expectations for timely and regular feedback from the instructor are clearly stated (questions, email, assignments) was changed to: Regular and substantive instructor-to-student expectations, and predictable/scheduled interactions and feedback, are present, appropriate for the course length and structure, and are easy to find.
    • Standard 39: Expectations for interaction are clearly stated (netiquette, grade weighting, models/examples, and timing and frequency of contributions) was changed to: Expectations for all course interactions (instructor to student, student to student, student to instructor) are clearly stated and modeled in all course interaction/communication channels.
    • Standard 41: Course contains resources or activities intended to build a sense of class community, support open communication, and establish trust (at least one of the following – Icebreaker, Bulletin Board, Meet Your Classmates, Ask a Question discussion forums) was changed to: Course provides activities intended to build a sense of class community, support open communication, promote regular and substantive interaction, and establish trust (e.g., ice-breaking activities, Course Bulletin Board, planned Office Hours, and dedicated discussion forums).
    • Standard 43: Learners are encouraged to share resources and inject knowledge from diverse sources of information in their course interactions was changed to: Course provides learners with opportunities in course interactions to share resources and inject knowledge from diverse sources of information with guidance and/or standards from the instructor.
  2. Updated selected OSCQR standard webpages that can be leveraged to support RSI – OSCQR Standards 1, 6, 9, 10, 19, 30, 31, 40, 44-47 :
    1. Improved the standard description information to clarify how the standard supports RSI.
    2. Added an RSI section on selected standard webpages.
    3. Added examples and suggestions.
  3. Added an RSI webpage to the companion website to give an overall overview and information about RSI and how OSCQR supports RSI. Including subpages that:
    • List all RSI and RSI-related standards.
    • Describe how OSCQR supports RSI
    • Describe “What’s new?” with details about what changes related to RSI have been made to the OSCQR website.
    • List RSI-related citations, references and resources for more information about RSI.
  4. Edited the wording of selected standards:
    1. Standard 6: Course provides access to learner success resources (technical help, orientation, tutoring) was changed to: Course provides access to online learner success resources (technical help, support services, orientation, academic honesty, tutoring). – this standard supports RSI.
    2. Standard 8: Appropriate methods and devices for accessing and participating in the course are communicated (mobile, publisher websites, secure content, pop-ups, browser issue, microphone, webcam) was changed to: Course provides appropriate guidelines for successful participation regarding technical requirements (e.g., browser version, mobile, publisher resources, secure content, pop-ups, browser issues, microphone, webcam).
    3. Standard 35: A text equivalent for every non-text element is provided (“alt” tags, captions, transcripts, etc.) was changed to: A text equivalent for every non-text element is provided (“alt” tags, captions, transcripts, etc.), and audio description is provided for video-only content.
    4. Standard 44: Course grading policies, including consequences of late submissions, are clearly stated in the course information area or syllabus was changed to: Course grading policies, including consequences of late submissions, are clearly stated in the Course Information/ Syllabus materials. – this standard addresses RSI.
    5. Standard 45: Course includes frequent and appropriate methods to assess learners’ mastery of content was changed to: Course includes frequent, appropriate, and authentic methods to assess the learners’ mastery of content. – this standard supports RSI.
    6. Standard 47: Learners have opportunities to review their performance and assess their own learning throughout the course (pre-tests, automated self-tests, reflective assignments, etc.) was changed to: Course provides opportunities for learners to review their performance and assess their own learning throughout the course (via pre-tests, self-tests with feedback, reflective assignments, peer assessment, etc.). – this standard supports RSI.
    7. Standard 49: Learners have easy access to a well designed and up-to-date gradebook was changed to: Learners have easy access to a well-designed and up-to-date gradebook.
    8. Standard 50: Learners have multiple opportunities to provide descriptive feedback on course design, course content, course experience, and ease of online technology was changed to: Course includes the opportunity for learners to provide descriptive feedback on their experience in the online course, the course design, content, user experience, and technology.
  5. Reviewed and updated selected OSCQR standard webpages to clarify and improve explanations and examples – Standards 4, 5, 8, 24, 35, 42, 49, 50.
  6. Added this change log.


  • Rebranded from Open SUNY to SUNY Online (visible on the .pdf).
  • Replaced the word Student, with Learner throughout the standards.
  • Updated the links to the companion OSCQR website from to to reflect a url domain ownership change.
  • Added links, content, and navigation to the OSCQR website:
    • Get OSCQR page- with all the options to access OSCQR. Including video help resources.
    • Implementation page – including resources from the workshop, video playlist, and diigo link roll of resources.
    • Research page and link rolls to track OSCQT-related research, and research supporting specific OSCQR standards.
    • Awards page, with the awards to date.
      • OSCQR in the news link roll.
    • Added Community page – including community resources, community-generated resources, and disclaimer on community generated resources.
    • Addedd online course design resources.
      • Added link to the OSCQR-informed Remote Online Teaching Checklist (COVID19 resource).
    • Added Training page including: workshops, experience, reviewer network and badges.
  • Updated standard 8 with recommended additions to support the mobile standards. June 27, 2019. (in consultation with Sally Baldwin, Boise State University)
  • Updated standard 35 with ” audio descriptions should be provided for any video-only content.” May 11, 2020. (per Tonka Jokelova/ESC).
  • Fixed broken links/updated links periodically.

There were no substantive changes to any standards.

If you are using OSCQR 3.0, you should update to 3.1. The links to the OSCQR website for additional resources, information, ideas are incorrect in OSCQR version 3.0.


  • Collapsed instructional design and accessibility standards into 50 integrated standards in 6 groupings.
  • Launched the comprehensive OSCQR companion website of explanations, examples, information, resources and ideas to improve standards, including the ability to comment and provide suggestions.


  • 74  standards: 37 instructional design standards (in 24 groupings) and 37 accessibility standards (in 9 groupings).
  • These were two separate rubrics and processes.
  • Initial rudimentary list of suggestions and ideas to improve standards.


37 instructional design standards in 24 groupings.