OSCQR – Standard #40
Learners have an opportunity to get to know the instructor.
Review These Explanations
Social presence is the ability of learners to project their personal characteristics into the community of inquiry, thereby presenting themselves as ‘real people.’ (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2001).
Social presence relies on establishing a welcoming online learning space, as well as acknowledging each individual learner as a valued member of the learning community.
When learners understand the background of their instructor, the “distance” between instructor/learners is mitigated. The tone and approach of the instructor in regard to self-introduction will serve as a model for learners. It is important that learners feel the instructor is easily accessible, and willing to communicate consistently throughout the course.
Instructors who share personal narratives make a lasting impression on online learners (Aragon, 2003). These personal narratives humanize the instructor, and provide credibility and history to support instructor expertise.
Aragon, S. R. (2003). Creating Social Presence in Online Environments. New Directions for Adult & Continuing Education, (100), 57-68.
Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87-105.
Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI)
How This Standard Supports RSI
In well-designed online courses, this standard can support regular and substantive interaction by building trust, and a strong sense of online class community. Getting to know instructor (as well as the other classmates) is a first step in building trust and an online class community where learners are prepared and ready to learn. Instructors set this tone and climate at the start of an online course by initially connecting with the learners and providing opportunities for course participants to engage and interact on a social and human level. By allowing learners to have the opportunity to get to know the instructor in ways that are comfortable and appropriate for their discipline and personality, instructors can engage and model behaviors and interactions that will lead to a strong sense of online class community and trust among all course participants. Introduction, ice-breaking activities and discussions that include some appropriate interactions and self disclosures can be effectively designed to support the goals of this standard and RSI. For example, instructors can share their own personal academic and professional journey as it relates to the course topic. Directing learners to ask questions and interact with the instructor can help the learner learn more about the instructor and their expectations, and demonstrates aspects of instructor role, identity, discipline, and the profession establishing community and trust, which further supports RSI, and is a good general practice. Scheduling a specific instructor-facilitated discussion on course topics, or to provide clarification, help, or feedback demonstrates compliance with RSI.
Refresh Your Course with These Ideas
General Suggestions
- Build trust and online class community: Teaching Presence self-assessment.
- Communicate effectively to establish and maintain Social Presence in the online class community.
- Humanizing Online Learning
- Include a Course Information/Syllabus materials that explain what learners can expect from the instructor (feedback expectations, login frequency, discussion participation) can help them feel at ease with understanding a particular course management style.
- Give learners permission to communicate directly with you via phone, and set parameters for when you are available for contact.
- Participate fully in the online course Welcome/Ice-Breaking activities.
- Schedule progress meetings to check-in with your learners via phone or virtual meeting tool.
- Develop Class Community & Interaction
- Creating Trust in Online Education (Faculty Focus)
- Informal trust-building in online environments (Stanford)
- Create an instructor profile/contact, content, images/photos, announcements, instructions for activities with personal “voice” to establish the instructor’s social presence and credibility in the course.
- Create an “All About Me” instructor welcome page with links to your professional highlights and personal interests.
- Example Ice-Breaking activities.
- Provide an instructor introductory video (with captioning and accompanying script for ADA compliance) is a wonderful way for learners to get to know the instructor. Create short, informal videos (with captions);
- Make Super Simple Videos (Michael Wesch)
- Make Videos (Michelle Pacansky-Brock)
Explore More Refreshing Ideas from the Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository (TOPR) at the University of Central Florida (UCF)
These Pedagogical Practice from TOPR explore methods and approaches to creating pathways where learners have opportunities to get to know the instructor in online courses.
Explore Related Resources
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